OZNAM V dňoch 29.7. – 8.8.2024 budeme čerpať dovolenku. V prípade akútnych ťažkostí nás budú zastupovať vo svojich ordinačných hodinách: 29.7.-1.8.2024 MUDr. Zuzana Ďurinová Račianska 44, Bratislava tel.: 0949/724 034 5.-8.8.2024 MUDr. Martina Matušovičová Štúrova 82, Modra tel.: 033/647 55 49

Services overview:

  • Providing comprehensive health care in the field of obstetrics and gynecology
  • Preventive gynecological examinations
  • Antenatal clinic
  • Contraceptive counseling
  • Climacteric clinic
  • Preoperative preparation and postoperative care
  • Subscriptions for laboratory tests (including chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, HPV), oncocytology

Premium Services

  • Ordering at a predetermined time in office hours (in agreement with the doctor)
  • Sending mail recipes (by agreement)
  • Vaccination HPV vaccine